Bring Christ to the nations at our doorstep, and around the world.
World Evangelism will never be accomplished independent of God's power, or His people. The Rhine Valley Project team has served together since 2015. We work together making disciples, laying a biblical foundation within the local church, and training future leaders of the local assembly. For more information about the RVP Team, please visit
Jesus Christ's command to make disciples (Followers of Christ) amongst all nations can be found in each of the gospel records, and in the book of Acts. Evangelizing the Lost, and training those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ is not simply a part of the Great Commission; it is the very essence of it. Our family and co-laborers are actively involved in personal evangelism and discipleship. We teach those who have professed faith in Christ to grow in their understanding of Scripture, and submission to the Lord Jesus Christ. We consider discipleship to have been accomplished, when the disciple is also making disciples.
I will build my church is the promise that Jesus Christ made in Matthew 16. We are not church-builders, Christ is. We are co-laborers with Jesus Christ, as He builds His church. He has commissioned us to preach salvation through Jesus Christ alone, to baptize those who receive this message by faith, and to teach them to live and walk according to His words. Those who believe the gospel and are baptized are gathered to form local churches. From within these assemblies, believers learn the rich treasures of Scripture, enjoy the fellowship of like-minded followers of Christ, grow spiritually, and reach into the unbelieving communities around them.
With a foreign population of approximately 30%, international ministries absolutely necessary. The church-plant in Leutkirch, Germany has convinced us that the largely neglected foreign community within Germany is key to evangelizing the German-speaking world.
The Jewish Christians who fled Jerusalem in the book of Acts established churches, which evangelized their host cities and countries. Similarly, we believe that concentrated evangelism and discipleship amongst the foreign community will equip them to effectively reach their own people groups, as well as the country they now call "home".